M4D2014 conference


We had the pleasure to be involved in the Mobile for Development (M4D) conference as Program Chairs, Reviewers and Organizers.


The 4th International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication for Development

Dakar, Senegal, April 8-9, 2014
The University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) in co-operation with HumanIT, Karlstad University

M4D is a growing academic field in the wider Information for Communication Technologies for Development (ICT-for-Development) field. Driving the recognition for M4D is the Center for HumanIT at Karlstad University in Sweden that has not only published extensively through its the masters and PhD programs, but has also, since 2008, successfully organized 3 international biennial conferences in M4D. These occasions have successfully brought practitioners, academics, techies and policy makers together firmly establishing the role of mobile devices but more specifically the mobile phone in development efforts.

The first conference was held at Karlstad University, in Karlstad, Sweden in 2008. The second conference was held in 2010 in Kampala, Uganda and the third was in New Delhi, India, February 2012. HumanIT, in a bid to further the inclusiveness of the conference,  has decided together with Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Senegal) to hold M4D2014 in Senegal. Acknowledging the underrepresentation of the Francophone and West African audience at the previous conferences, the aim is to expand the knowledge in M4D with research, policy initiatives as well as development processes that have a mobile component from this region.

For more information, please visit:
