Conferences & Presentations

We publish regularly our results and evaluations in the field of mobility, mobile for development and global software development. Please find the papers we presented and published at conferences and in journals. The presentations we conducted are also provided. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want more information about our research in mobility, mobile for development and global software development.


  • Christelle Scharff, Chun Hei Cheung, Jean-Marie Preira, Evaluation of the Impact of a Six-year Capacity Building Initiative on Mobile App Development in Senegal, Procedia Engineering, Volume 107, 2015, Pages 463-469, ISSN 1877-7058.
  • Scharff, C. H. Cheung, and J. Preira. Evaluation of the impact of a six-year capacity building initiative on mobile app development in Senegal. Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 107:463-469, 2015. Special issue of the best papers of the Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact 2015, HumTech2015 (May 12-14, 2015).
  • Scharff, M. Jordan, K. Ndiaye, A. Niang Diene, and F. M. Drame. Human mobility during religious festivals in Senegal. In Proceedings of the Scientific Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets Conference (NetMob), MIT Media Lab, Botston (USA), April 2015 (submission to the Orange Data 4 Development Challenge). Video of map:

  • Scharff and J. Evans. Design, development and implementation of gender sensitive mobile apps and learning projects: Two mini workshops. In UNESCO Mobile Learning Week, UNESCO, Paris, February 2015.
    • “Of the over 70 workshop proposals UNESCO and UN Women received, yours is one of just 12 to be selected by our evaluation committee for inclusion in the program.”



  • Scharff, C. Mobile Development Across Borders: Success and Challenges for Co-located and Distributed Teams. Invited presentation at the Annual Global Venture Lab Academic Summit Meeting, November 4-5, 2013, Berkeley University, Berkeley, CA, USA (Invited presentation)
  • Kenny, M and Scharff. C. Mobile Applications for a Sustainable Future: How Are Mobile Developers Contributing to Solving the Problem? Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Information Management Association (IIMA), Iona College, New Rochelle, New York, USA, October 14-17, 2013
  • Ahouansou, L. Tutorial on jQuery Mobile. InnovAfrica, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, September 2013 (tutorial, invited by Orange Labs)
  • Scharff, C. Building Capacity in Mobile Technology in Senegal. In the Proceedings of the Fulbright Conference. Washington DC, USA, October 3-5, 2013. (Poster)
  • Scharff, C. Connected West Africa Conference, June 10-11, 2013, Dakar, Senegal. (Chair of the session: Cost-effective networks and infrastructures)
  • Scharff, C. Social media, mobile and participation. Working on Participation of the Panos Organization, Dakar, Senegal, April 2013. (panel)


  • Scharff, C., Heng, S. and Kulkarni, V. Stress Level on Global Software Projects using Waterfall and Scrum: A Preliminary Comparison. Proceedings of ACIS 2012 (Asian Conference on Information Systems), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, December, 6-8, 2013 (Reviewed 6-page paper) (Distinguished paper award by Osaka University in Japan)
  • Ieng, V., Bormy, A., and Scharff C. SMS Solutions to Improve Students’ Life: Case Study at the Royal University of Phnom Penh.  Proceedings of ACIS 2012 (Asian Conference on Information Systems), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, December, 6-8, 2013 (Reviewed 6-page paper)
  • Scharff, C. Tutorial on jQuery Mobile. InnovAfrica, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, November 2012 (tutorial in collaboration with Orange Labs)
  • Scharff, C. MobileSenegal: 5 Years of Capacity Building with Impact. USAID mEducation Alliance Symposium. (Track: In Focus: Mobiles for Capacity Building). Washington DC, USA, September, 5-7, 2012. (Presentation based on abstract)
  • Scharff, C., Heng, S. and Kulkarni, V. On the Difficulties for Students to Adhere to Scrum on Global Software Development Projects: Preliminary Results. Proceeding of the 2012 Community Building Workshop on Collaborative Teaching of Globally Distributed Software Development (CTGD) at ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering), Zurich, Switzerland, June 2012
  • Scharff, C. Connected West Africa Conference, June 13-14, 2012, Dakar, Senegal. (Chair of the session: Content & Apps)
  • Kenny, C. and Scharff, C. Mobile Applications for a Sustainable Future: How Are Mobile Developers Contributing? CCSCNE 2012 (17th Annual Conference of the Northeast region of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges), Hamden, CT, April 27-28, 2012 (poster)
  • Scharff, C. and Kulkarni, V. Global Software Development Projects as a Model for Capacity Building in M4D. In the Proceedings of the Mobile for Development Conference (M4D). New Delhi, India, February 2012. (Poster)


  • Scharff, C., Preira, J.M., Kay, R., and Su,, S. H. Teaching mobile solution development in a global context: Comparing solutions proposed by students in the developed and developing world. In Proceedings of the 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE ’11)
  • Shergill, M. and Scharff, C. Developing Multi-Channel Mobile Solutions for a Global Audience: The Case of a Smarter Energy Solution. IEEE Sarnoff Conference 2012, May 5/21-22, NJ, USA. (poster)
  • Scharff, C. An evolving collaborative model of working in students’ global software development projects.  Proceeding of the 2011 community building workshop on Collaborative teaching of globally distributed software development (CTGD), Workshop part of ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering), Hawai, USA, May 2011
  • Scharff, C. Guiding Global Software Development Projects using Scrum and Agile with Quality Assurance. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEET) 2011, Hawai, USA, May 2011
  • Phal, P, Kong, M., Khim C., Srun, S., Khy, O, Smae, M.L., Por, H, Traxler, J.,and Scharff, C. “Awareness On Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs): Showcasing A Mobile Solution Designed for Young Cambodian People”, Japan-Cambodia Joint Symposium on Information Systems and Communication Technology (JCAICT 2011), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, January 2011


  • Scharff, C. Java ME for Emerging Markets and the Developing World. Bird-of-a-Feather. Java One 2010, September 2010. [PDF] (bird-of-a-feather)
  • Scharff, C., Gotel, O., and Kulkarni, V. Transitioning to Distributed Development in Students’ Global Software Development Projects: The Role of Agile Methodologies and End-to-End Tooling. Proc. of the International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2010), Nice, August 22 – 25, 2010
  • Scharff, C. The Software Engineering of Mobile Application Development. Tutorial offered at the the International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2010), Nice, August 22 – 25, 2010. (tutorial)
  • Scharff, C., Preira, J.M., and Tamgno, J. Mobile Innovations for Improving Students Life on Campus: Showcasing Mobile Solutions Designed for Students by Students in Senegal. Mobile for Development (M4D), Kampala, Uganda, November 2010
  • Gotel, O., Kulkarni, V., Say, M., Scharff, C. and Sunetnanta, T. (2010) “Quality Indicators on Global Software Development Projects: Does “Getting to Know You” Really Matter?” Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, Wiley InterScience, DOI: 10.1002/smr.474, ISSN: 1532-060X, June 2010. (Best paper award)
  • Scharff, C and Verma, R. Scrum to Support Mobile Application Development Projects in a Just-in-time Learning Context. Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE) 2010, Workshop of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2nd,  2010
  • Scharff, C. Mobile Technology for the Base of the Pyramid. Information and Communication Technology and the Millennium Development Goals,Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs, April 2010 (invited presentation)
  • Scharff, C. Potential of mobile technology in Africa: Some examples. Executive Seminar hosted by Empire State at Stony Brook University, February 16th 2010 (invited presentation)


  • Scharff, C., Preira, J.M., Tamgno, J. Mobile Innovations for Improving Students’ Life on Campus: Showcasing Mobile Solutions Designed for Students by Students in Senegal. IASTED Ubiquitous Learning Conference, Boston, USA, December 2009. (presentation)
  • Scharff, C., Wasilewska, A., Wong, J., Bousso, M., Ndiaye, I., and Sarr, C. A Model for Teaching Mobile Application Development for Social Changes: Implementation and Lessons Learned in Senegal. 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Mobile Technologies for Social Change (IMT4SC’09), International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Mrągowo, Poland, 10/11/2009
  • Giridher, T., Kim, R., Rai, D., Hanover, A., Yu, J., Zarinni, F., Scharff, C., Wasilewska, A., Wong, J. Mobile Applications for Informal Economies. 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Mobile Technologies for Social Change (IMT4SC’09), International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Mrągowo, Poland, 10/11/2009
  • Wasielewska, A. and Wong, J. Developing Template Applications for Social Advancement. 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Mobile Technologies for Social Change (IMT4SC’09), International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Mrągowo, Poland, 10/11/2009.
  • Scharff. C. First step in the World of Mobile Application Development. Tutorial presented at the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Mrągowo, Poland, 10/11/2009 (tutorial)
  • Scharff, C and  Wasilewska, A. Participation in the CRA Workshop on Computing Community Consortium on Computer Science for Global Development at Berkley, CA, USA on August 1-2, 2009
  • Scharff, C. A Competition-based Model for Fostering Community Building in International Collaborations. E-learning Africa 2009, Dakar, Senegal, 5/27-29/2009 (presentation)
  • Scharff, C., Wasilewska, A., Wong, J., Bousso, M., Ndiaye, I. A Bootcamp on Mobile Phone Application Development: Implementation in Senegal and Model for Replications. NCIIA Conference 2009, Washington DC, 3/19-21/2009 (poster)
  • Scharff, C., Wasilewska, A., Bousso, M., Ndiaye, I., Sarr, C. Sustainable Technology-based Entrepreneurship for the Senegalese Market. NCIIA Workshop on Sustainable Vision, Washington DC, 3/18/2009 (presentation)
  • Wasilewska, A., Wong, J., Giridher, T., Kim, R., Lapre, L., Yuan, K., Rai, D., Hanover, A., Yu, J., Zarinni, F. Mobile Computing for Informal Economies. February Mobile Tech 4 Social Change New York: A Barcamp. New York City, 2/31/2009 (presentation)


  • Scharff, C., Wasilewska, A., Bousso, M., Ndiaye, I., and Gassama-Mbaye, Mbarou. Preparing Students in Africa for Social Entrepreneurship in Mobile Technology: Current and Future Efforts in Senegal. Mobile for Development (M4D), Karlstad, Sweden, 12/13/2008 (poster)
  • Scharff, C. Students to Develop Applications to Empower Women in Senegal. Bird-of-a-feather. Mobile Active 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa, 10/14/2008 (bird-of-a-feather)