Pace Mobile Lab

Driving education and innovation in mobile, wearable and Internet of Things (IoT)

Pace Mobile Lab at Pace University in New York

The Pace Mobile Lab is an initiative of the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems. It is dedicated to driving education and innovation in mobile, wearable and Internet of Things (IoT) technology by facilitating courses, training, research projects and organizing events. Students work on projects as diverse as using beacon technology to improve the experience of incoming Pace students, developing a Google Glassware that sends holiday notifications to users (from International Frozen Food day to Easter!), analyzing mobile data sets to study human mobility and its implications on public health in Senegal, and building a physical and digital platform to improve digital literacy in developing markets.

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This is a list of events we regularly run. Our calendar of events is available here. Join us!

Pace Entrepreneurship Lab Mobile Design Contest

MIT App Inventor for CIT 110 students

Android Crash Course

MIT App Inventor for ChickTech

Swift Crash Course

Graduate Project Showcase




Christelle Scharff, Vanessa Rene, Jan Gerhard Schoepp, Nishit Kishorbhai Shah, Andrew Greenberg. Exploring Mobile Device Literacy in Senegal. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) 2017, San Diego, Octobor 2017 Read More

Christelle Scharff, Vanessa Rene, Ava Posner, Niamh Fitzsimon, Rohana Sosa. Exploring Mobile Device Literacy in Senegal. New York Media Lab Demo, September 2017, New York, NY, USA Read More

Christelle Scharff, Yahya Sheikh, Idris A. Rai, Global Software Development Projects as a Framework for Capacity Building in Developing Countries.In the Conference 7th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (ACM DEV) (November 2016). Read More

AppDock: An Education and Outreach Space for Device Literacy.Published in First African Conference on Human Computer Interaction (AfriCHI'16) (November 2016). Read More

Human mobility during religious festivals and its implications on public health in Senegal: A mobile dataset analysis.In the conference 2015 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (October 2015). Read More

Scharff, Caroline Wamala-Larsson, Johan Hellström, Mobile Participation: Access, Interaction and Practices. Published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-8064-0 (October 2015). Read More

Scharff, Chun Hei Cheung, Jean-Marie Preira, Evaluation of the Impact of a Six-year Capacity Building Initiative on Mobile App Development in Senegal, Procedia Engineering, Volume 107, 2015, Pages 463-469, ISSN 1877-7058 Read More

Evaluation of the impact of a six-year capacity building initiative on mobile app development in Senegal. Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 107:463-469, 2015. Special issue of the best papers of the Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact 2015, HumTech2015 (May 12-14, 2015). Read More

Scharff, M. Jordan, K. Ndiaye, A. Niang Diene, and F. M. Drame. Human mobility during religious festivals in Senegal. In Proceedings of the Scientific Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets Conference (NetMob), MIT Media Lab, Botston (USA), April 2015 (submission to the Orange Data 4 Development Challenge) Read More

Scharff and J. Evans. Design, development and implementation of gender sensitive mobile apps and learning projects: Two mini workshops. In UNESCO Mobile Learning Week, UNESCO, Paris, February 2015. Read More

Niang, I., Scharff, C, and Wamala, C. Editors of the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Communication for Development (M4D) 2014, Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Centre for HumanIT, Karlstad University Studies Publisher, 318 pages, March 20th, 2013, ISSN 1403-8099; 26 Read More

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Meet our team

Dr. Christelle Scharff

Chair of the Computer Science Department

Vanessa Rene

Graduate Assistant

Kenneth Okereke

Graduate Assistant

Pratik Rijhwani

Graduate Assistant

Past Members

Dhruvil Gandhi

Graduate Assistant

Diana Melara

Graduate Student

Meghan Jordan

Graduate Student

Poojah Mahesh

Graduate Assistant

Jan Schoepp

Graduate Assistant

Nishit Shah

Graduate Assistant
