2nd Competition of Mobile Application Development in Senegal: What to submit?

Content of the submission

The submission consists of:

  • A short description of the application (250 words maximum). The application must have a name. The description should address the social impact of the application. 250 words to convince!
  • Model(s) of phones on which the application was tested and deployed.
  • The minimum MIDP and CLDC required to run the application.
  • A video of the application (3 minutes).
  • A PowerPoint / Google Docs presentation (static or live). A skeleton of presentation is provided for information.
  • The code of the application.
  • The JAD and JAR files of the application.


The video must be submitted in English. It is important to show the context in which the application will be used. A demonstration of the application must also be provided. The video should be 3 minutes or less. You can use camstudio (http://camstudio.org) to make your video.


The presentation must be in English and include the following information:

  • Title of the application.
  • Outline.
  • List of team members with pictures, institutions, emails and phone numbers. The pictures of the team members are required.
  • The purpose, beneficiaries, context and social impact of the application.
  • The description of the application with main features.
  • The technologies that were used.
  • Plans for deployment to users.
  • Plans for entrepreneurship (if you plan to be an mobile tech-entrepreneur).
  • Difficulties you envision for deployment, scaling and entrepreneurship.

Evaluation criteria

Applications will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Impact and relevance of the mobile application for Africa
    • Does the application fill a need? Is the application relevant to the African market? Does it have a defined social impact? Is it clear how this application will be deployed and distributed?
  • Innovation and creativity
    • Is the application innovative for Africa? Does it show creativity?
  • Technical sophistication
    • What level of technical sophistication was showcased? Are there coding errors? Are the features of the application what a user would expect from it? Are there missing features? Are there any logical problems in the application?
  • Usability
    • Is the application usable? Is it easy to use? Is it implemented following the usability standard of the targeted platform? Will the application be easy to use by its beneficiaries? Are beneficiaries at the center of the application?
  • Ready to ship and entrepreneurship
    • Is the application ready to ship? Is the quality of the application of professional level? Did students give attention to details? Did students feel confident that this application will permit them to be mobile tech-entrepreneurs (if they decide so)?