Over the years we developed material for courses in Java ME, Android (Java), BlackBerry (Java), Mobile Web Apps Development, jQuery Mobile, SMS, Mobile Quality Assurance, and Mobile Innovations for Global Challenges. Our content will be made available in different forms when we update this section of the web site. For the time being, we posted limited resources.
Our training focuses on mobile technology, ideation and problem solving, UI/UX, quality assurance and testing, soft skills (e.g., presentations and team building) and entrepreneurship. It almost always integrates a project with real clients and presentations in front of an external audience. Based on our connections in the ecosystem in Senegal, it integrates talks from the industry, startup, NGO and international organization leaders. It can be offered in weekly sessions or during intensive 3 to 10-day sessions. It focuses on building solutions for the national or international contexts and takes into account the specificity and constraints faced by local developers. We customize our offering based on the audience and the time we have to teach. As professionals in education and mobile with several apps in Google Play, Nokia Store and BlackBerry App World, we use the latest technologies and tools of the industry in our training and can teach different audiences. For example, all participants create GitHub accounts to maintain their code and document their work.
- Mobile Development with Android Java
- Coming soon!
- Mobile Web App and Content
- Coming soon!
- SMS and Voice solutions
- Coming soon!
- Mobile Web App Development with jQuery Mobile
- Course content:
- Introduction on mobile technologies
- Introduction to the mobile ecosystem in Africa
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- jQuery Mobile
- Android
- From a mobile web site to an Android mobile app with Apache Cordova
- Project and theme descriptions
- Brainstorming and testing your idea (based on the Lean Startup Machine methodology)
- UI/UX consideration
- Testing mobile apps and getting feedback
- Releasing an app in the store
- Piloting a mobile solution
- Marketing an app and gathering analytics
- Presenting in front of an audience (tweetpitch, PowerPoint, pitch)
- Course offerings and material:
- Mobile Web App Development with jQuery Mobile (English)
- This material has been used in different training offerings.
- Mobile Web App Development and Testing (English)
- This material has been used in Benin.
- Mobile Web App Development with jQuery Mobile (French)
- This material has been used to train developers in Senegal and Ivory Coast. In addition in Senegal it has been used to introduce high school students to mobile app development.
- High school program on mobile web app development with jQuery Mobile (English)
- This material has been used during an intensive one-week program for high school students at Pace University.
- Mobile Web App Development with jQuery Mobile (English)
- Course content:
- Mobile web and SMS for high school students
- This training has been offered during the 2013 ICT Girl Day in Dakar. It covered SMS technology and the design of mobile web sites. The course integrated a project and a presentation.
- Course material
- Mobile App Development with Java ME
- Course content:
- Introduction to mobile technology
- Introduction to the mobile ecosystem in Africa
- Java ME
- Project and theme description
- Brainstorming and testing your idea
- UI/UX consideration
- Testing mobile apps and getting feedback
- Releasing an app in Nokia Store
- Piloting a mobile solution
- Marketing your app
- Presenting in front of an audience (tweetpitch, PowerPoint, pitch)
- Course material (Moodle):
- Mobile Development with Java ME (English)
- Course content: